Organisational Development Plan

Business Team Aligned in Same Direction
After completing the Developing High Performing Organisations Assessment you will have a clear idea of your start point in the context of the 3 Stages of Organisational Development.

From your start point, we aim to develop your organisation through three clear phases of improvement:
Stage A - Securing Quick Wins
Stage B - Building Lasting Capability
Stage C - Developing a Leading Edge Organisation

Each phase is launched in the following way:

  1. Planning meeting with the Senior Team - a one day workshop to agree objectives, timetable, measurable results, function and cross-functional activities, membership of project team, review dates and administrative arrangements.
  2. Project Team Launch Workshop - a two day workshop to brief objectives, provide skills training, develop the team and commence project roll-out.
  3. Functional Launch - a one day workshop in each function (smaller functions can be combined) run by two members of the Project Team and an Opsis Consultant.

ASecuring Quick Wins

At the start of any organisational change process it is vital that clear progress is made rapidly. If managed well, this helps develop momentum and shares the ownership for necessary change.

  • To inject momentum into performance improvement by identifying and harvesting low hanging fruit.
  • To involve many people in organisation improvement.
  • To begin to benchmark and set standards, e.g. processes.
  • To commence developing process related skills, e.g. problem solving tools and the meeting model.
  • To provide an opportunity for management to apply learning.
  • To assess the organisation's readiness for change by function and cross functionally and potential for involvement in stages B and C e.g. employee capability.
  • To identify shortcomings in employees capabilities.
  • To begin developing a common language/approach in the company.
Process and Techniques
  • Initiated after commencing the Increasing Organisation Effectiveness process.
  • Management led.
  • Leadership positioning via vision.
  • The Change Loop process - Forcefield Analysis/Fishbone.
  • Project definition/implementation process.
  • Functional projects and 1 or 2 cross functional projects e.g. waste.
  • May include some initial process mapping in selected areas.
  • Approximately 12 months.
Potential Outcomes (Must Be Measurable)

We personalise the content for each Stage of the Organisational Development Plan, based on the explicit requirements of each client. Potential outcomes for Stage A - Securing Quick Wins may include:

  • Developing ownership in all employees.
  • More uniform expert operation - standards/benchmarking/processes.
  • Improve quality.
  • Reduce customer complaints.
  • Reduce unnecessary spending.
  • Increased pride in the job.
  • Less waste.
  • Initial involvement in the change process for everyone.
  • Employee involvement in managing/leading Stage A.
  • Departmental projects and overall project.
  • Visible communication of results/structure/culture.
Stage A is Not...
  • Major structural/procedural change.
  • Looking at the overall organisation/boundaries.
  • An end - it is a beginning or a continuation of what has been started.
  • Enough.
  • Always necessary.

BBuilding Lasting Capability

Most managers and employees don't understand how their organisations work...

  • To build on and broaden/resolve issues arising from Stage A.
  • To assess and benchmark the whole organisation in terms of process and performance.
  • To clarify and redefine the roles of teams and individuals.
  • To standardise best practice and identify technical competencies required.
  • To appraise current competence level and provide training to bridge any shortfalls.
  • To develop a suitable internal 'trainer' resource.
  • To prepare the organisation for entry into Stage C by talking about implications and consequences early, including:
    • self managing teams and individuals
    • decisions made at lowest level of competence
    • everyone learns the core skills of the team
    • rigorous feedback
    • change becoming part of the job
    • designing of the organisation to meet customer's needs
  • To continue to develop process and achieve a common language.
  • To improve interactions between functions by a systematic exchange of expectations.
Processes and Techniques
  • Typically implemented after completing Increasing Organisational Effectiveness Module IV (earlier if the business can move faster).
  • Broader scope benchmarking.
  • Expectations Exchange.
  • Process Mapping the key technical work processes in all functions using a common approach.
  • Developing an overall company technical work process.
  • Assessing for opportunities to improve:
    • Costs
    • Time
    • Quality
    • Morale
    • Best practice
    • Ownership and participation
  • Developing implementation/communication plans.
  • Functional projects initially then upstream/downstream expectations exchange and some process redesign.
  • Develop role descriptions for individuals.
  • Post Stage A, approximately 12 months
Potential Outcomes (Must Be Measurable)

We personalise the content for each Stage of the Organisational Development Plan, based on the explicit requirements of each client. Potential outcomes for Stage B - Building Lasting Capability may include:

  • Significant performance improvements over Stage A results.
  • All key business processes visibly mapped.
  • Standards for all key parts of the process.
  • Clearly defined operating procedures.
  • Role definitions clearly defined and derived from work process.
  • Training processes to support the fulfilment of role definitions.
  • High quality ownership of change process from non-management.
  • Potential desire to move to stage C.
  • Majority of employees enjoying being involved in improvement activities outside their day to day roles.
  • Greatly improved co-operation between departments.
  • High level of customer focus internally and externally.
  • Agreed process for joining/not joining stage C and consequences associated with each choice.
Stage B is Not...

Major structural change. It's more tuning. It would not include redesign of Pay and Reward or non-technical competencies.

CDeveloping a Leading Edge Organisation

Every brain in the game...

The momentum generated in Stages A and B is now developed into a longer term organisational development programme aimed at achieving leading edge levels of productivity, ownership, and responsiveness to customer needs.

  • To develop measurable leading edge levels of operational performance.
  • To redesign the organisation to meet customer needs and its ablility to respond quickly to environmental changes.
  • To develop a learning organisation based on Open Systems thinking and Theory Y Values.
  • To extend the detail of work process mapping from Stage B and remap and use that to design self-managing teams and individuals.
  • To redesign communications, decision making, pay and reward, recruitment profiles to support self -managing teams and individuals.
  • To establish an on-going renewal process for the organisation.
Processes and Techniques
  • Post Management attendance on Increasing Organisation Effectiveness part VI.
  • After some Increasing Organisation Effectiveness training for all employees.
  • Extend the detail of work process mapping.
  • Involve key customers and suppliers.
  • Allocate task to self-managing teams (in-line with key criteria).
  • Identify core and support technical work for each team.
  • Identify technical knowledge, skill and competencies for each core and support area.
  • Identify business and team knowledge skill and competencies for each core and support area.
  • Design a Pay and Reward system to support the competency skill block system.
  • Design Communication and Decision Making processes.
  • Design Recruitment Profiles.
  • Design Annual Review Process and train in-house resource. Up to this point Stage C would take circa. 1 year to implement.
  • Design and deliver training in technical/team and business competences and launch new structure and pay and reward process. Up to this point, Stage C would take approximately 2-3 years to implement.
Potential Outcomes (Must Be Measurable)

We personalise the content for each Stage of the Organisational Development Plan, based on the explicit requirements of each client. Potential outcomes for Stage C - Developing a Leading Edge Organisation may include:

  • Productivity increase.
  • Reduced absence.
  • Improved quality.
  • Reduced losses.
  • Profit improvement projects.
  • Increased flexibility/adaptability.
  • Improved customer service.
  • Everyone salaried and on annualised hours basis.
  • Commitment to team and business (new skills and peer pressure).
  • Self managing semi-autonomous teams.
  • Delegation of responsibilities (decisions made at lowest level of competence).
  • Reduced number of people not built into operating teams.
  • Operating teams do own productivity study and fishbone problem solving.
  • Customer/Supplier contact with operating teams.
  • Accelerated change.
  • Rigorous positive and negative feedback.
  • Management leading by example.
  • Objectives set and met through a process of involvement.
  • Peer appraisal and pressure in teams.
  • Clarity of flexible roles and responsibility.
  • Everyone with co-ownership and involvement in the larger organisation.
  • Completion of vision statements.
Stage C is Not...
  • Reversible.
  • Cast in stone - it needs regeneration through an annual organisation renewal exercise.
  • The end.

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