Leadership Team Development
In our experience, at the start of a project, leaders usually prefer to spend some time together as a team to:
1. clarify the issues facing the organisation,
2. develop plans to address those issues, and
3. receive some initial development themselves before involving other members of the management team.
While we customise all our Leadership Team Workshops to meet the specific needs of each client, our workshops typically address four key issues:
- A clear and comprehensive assessment of the current state of the organisation. This is usually achieved by collecting 360° feedback from a range of members of staff, customers, members of the supply chain and other stakeholders.
- The development of a stretching vision for the organisation, in line with Leading Edge Best Practice.
- The development of a specific action/accountability plan to bridge the gap between the current state of the organisation and the newly developed vision.
- Clarifying the role of the leadership team.
We have found that using this approach as a precursor to the Increasing Organisation Effectiveness process, together with a detailed Organisation Development Plan, and involving Leadership Coaching, where necessary, is a highly effective combination that achieves a significant step change in leadership approach and effectiveness.
In some cases, additional work may be required to further develop the Strategy and Vision.